Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities has signed a contract with CISCO SYSTEMS, and from that moment has become a Local Academy CISCO.
The CNA - Cisco Networking Academy curriculum expresses the latest tendency on the informatics network field. Combining instructor-led, online education with hands-on laboratory exercises, lecturers and consultations, the curriculum enables students to apply what they learn in class while working on actual networks..
Cisco Networking Academy Program (CNAP) is nonprofit education program in networking technology area. CNAP is realized since 1997, in Poland since 2000 in cooperation with high schols, universities, Interkl@są and Polish Districts Assosation.
CAN curriculum enable students to get, both theoretical and practical, knowledge on the designing, development and managing the computer network field. Currently this knowledge gives possibility to have a success in the modern internet market and to find satisfactory professional carrier. Classes have a form of lectures, laboratories and office hours. Some parts of material should be self-learn with use the didactic materials available on the Local Academy server or on the CAN server.
The main educational server CNAMS ( available students the full packet of didactic materials. Moreover CNAMS available students running testing of their knowledge and passing the exams via Internet.
Laboratory special equipment:
2 Routers Cisco 2514, 8 Routers Cisco 2610, 4 Switchs Cisco Catalyst 2924.
Courses organizer:
Institute of Computer Sciences, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Address, phone, e-mail:
Institute of Computer Sciences, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
08-110 Siedlce, ul. 3 Maja 54, tel.: +48 25 6431027, 6431060
Recruitment rules: We expected high school graduated person. More information and registration form is available on Local Academy site .
Course Objectives
The Internet and education are the great equalizers of the 21st century. They create enormous opportunities for people and countries that can effectively harness the power of information and knowledge. The lack of Internet-supported education and the shortage of technology-savvy workers continues to challenge countries around the world, threatening to place nations that fall behind at a permanent disadvantage in the global economy. These countries now have the opportunity to accelerate development by embracing information technology and committing themselves to match technological advancement with investment in human skills.
A fast tempo of change is a challenge for many institutions. Technological explosion means that many institutions all over the world need the educated and able to take challenge employees. Only in 39% workstations in computer networks is unfilled due to disproportion between the educational systems and fast development of needs of different firms and institutions. To go out to meet this demand in 1997 Cisco initiates the Cisco Networking Academy (CNA). This program develops dynamically all over the world. In over 100 countries knowledge on the computer network field obtains almost 200 000 students. Those students have the opportunity to get the skills which give them the possibility to find a good and interesting job.
Governments of many countries and public institutions discern in the partnership with the Cisco the chance to decrease the thread connected with the deficit of the professional personnel. We have hope that also in Poland Cisco Networking Academy influence on the development of the internet market and increases the tempo of the applying the modern technologies.
The Cisco Networking Academy Program is a timely response to these challenges. It is an alliance among Cisco, education, business, government, and communities. It prepares students for higher education in computer science and engineering as well as for networking and IT-related jobs in the public and private sectors. It also creates a qualified talent pool that can design, build, and maintain the Internet infrastructure. This is a critical step towards participation in a global economy
Structure of the Academy CISCO
The Cisco Networking Academy Program uses a three-tier training model to deploy the curriculum:
- Cisco Academy Training Center (CATC)
- Regional Academies
- Local Academies
Local Academies are educational institutions which include colleges and universities. These institutions teach individuals the knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills they need to pursue a career in networking.
Each Regional Academy functions as a training and support center for Local Academies and passes down the instructional and program quality standards set by Cisco and the CATCs. A Regional Academy is required to recruit and maintain a minimum of ten Local Academies for each curriculum they offer.
Cisco Academy Training Center (CATC) trains, supports, and monitors the instructors at approximately 30 Regional Academies. A CATC is responsible for the quality of training conducted at its center and the subsequent instructional qualities of the Regional Academy instructors, who train Local Academy instructors. .
To become a Local Academy, the Legal Main Contacts are either approached by a Regional Academy or the Legal Main Contact approaches a Regional Academy for a support relationship.